Sandals Resorts
Large wall: 26'x14' Shiplap wall
Small wall: 10'x10' Shiplap wall
2022. Nassau, Bahamas
This 2 piece mural was painted in the conference room at Sandals Resort and Spa in Nassau Bahamas. The large wall is the grand entrance and the smaller wall is a kitchen block.
Firehouse Inn
25'x14' on treated wood panel.
2022. St. Ignace, MI
This was painted on the highway/south-western facing wall of the Firehouse Inn motel in St. Ignace Michigan.
Coral Gables Condo
24"x60" on interior wall.
2020. Private residents, Coral Gables, Fl.
This is the main pillar in the Livingroom of this condo. The birds were added to brings some outside life into the home and give a feeling that they are flying through the windows.
PuroVite Bamboo
14'x9' on interior wall.
2019. Purovite in Miami, Fl.
A bamboo wall acts as a natural backdrop for the front desk of this vitamin production company in south Miami.